
ARVO's Guide to Scientific Publishing

Module Overview

Publishing high-quality and appropriately peer-reviewed research is essential to advancing the field of eye and vision science; yet, many researchers are unaware of or lack access to resources to help them with these tasks. This guide provides these resources.

The guide addresses the needs of:

  • Researchers who seek to publish manuscripts in eye and vision science journals
  • Researchers who have been asked to peer-review articles for eye and vision science journals
  • Research mentors who desire resources for teaching these concepts
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Guide to Scientific Peer Review

Module Overview

This module reviews the basics of the peer review process from the perspective of the peer reviewer. It covers the basic steps of every peer review and provides tips for writing a defensible review decision and requests for revisions. The importance of ethical conduct in the peer-review process is emphasized.

The guide addresses the needs of:

  • Researchers who have been asked to peer-review articles for eye and vision science journals
  • Research mentors who desire resources for teaching these concepts
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Guide to Scientific Networking

Module Overview

Research can sometimes be isolating and there is often limited time to meet other scientists. As research continues to evolve, emphasis is being placed on collaborative efforts. A professional network is now essential to success. This guide provides resources and suggestions for establishing and growing your scientific network.

This guide addresses the needs of researchers who seek to build and/or grow a professional network outside their home institution. Additional content and resources will be added to this guide throughout 2015.

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Strategies for Effective Grant Writing

Module Overview

This course introduces time-tested strategies toward writing successful grant applications. You will learn how to locate funding opportunities, match your proposal to the appropriate funder, plan and write impactful proposals and respond to reviews.

Modules 3, 4 and 6 are universal and applicable to grant writing globally. The concepts in the remaining modules are tailored more to the U.S audience. However, international researchers may find the content helpful.

The module addresses the needs of:

  • Researchers new to writing and submitting grant applications
  • Seasoned eye and vision researchers looking for a refresher on grant writing best practices
  • Research mentors who desire resources for teaching these concepts
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