The Annual Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) is the largest gathering of eye and vision researchers in the world, attracting over 11,000 attendees from more than 75 countries. About 45% of our attendees are from outside the U.S.
The theme of the ARVO 2016 Annual Meeting is Research: A vision of hope Biomedical research is behind every advance in treatment for blinding conditions, behind every improvement in diagnostic methods and behind all progression in our understanding of the eye and visual processes. ARVO members are engaged in the research that brings hope to patients and their families that treatments and cures for eye disease are on the horizon. At the ARVO Annual Meeting, 11,000 researchers from around the world will come together to explore cutting-edge science, collaborations with their peers and the connections between their work and the people who will ultimately benefit from it.
2016 Abstract Submission is now open.
Learn more.