
William Mieler, MD, FARVO, FACS

Illinois Eye & Ear Infirmary

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Illinois Eye & Ear Infirmary


William F. Mieler is an expert in the treatment of medical and surgical diseases of the macula, retina, and vitreous. He has participated in over 70 national clinical trials, has published 335 peer-reviewed manuscripts, 70 book chapters and has edited or co-edited seven ophthalmic textbooks. He has delivered 21 named lectures, has served on Editorial Boards for 3 journals, and reviews for 31 journals. He is past President of the Macula Society, and was named recipient of the Gass Medal. He has served on the American Board of Ophthalmology as a Board Director, as President, and currently as an Emeritus Director. Working with the American Academy, he has earned the Life Achievement Award, and is currently the Associate Secretary for the AAO Subspecialty Day programs.